(2.351 άτομα το έχουν διαβάσει)

The day of the summer solstice, a festive day for sorcerers,
occultists and satanists has been selected for the annual celebration of
the “International Day of Yoga”. According to a resolution adopted by
the General Assembly of the United Nations (Plenary Meeting of December
2104), the 21st of June has been proclaimed “International Day of Yoga”.
The rationale behind this resolution was that “yoga provides a holistic
approach to health and well-being”; furthermore, it was claimed that it
is “beneficial for the health of the world population”! However, this
explanation is in conflict both with the Orthodox Christian perspective
and with scientific evidence.

The so-called holistic perspective, on which yoga is based,
comprises teachings of occult and para-religious groups, according to
special Pan-Orthodox Conferences on matters pertaining to heresies and
para-religion. These Conferences –which include special delegates from
all Orthodox countries– have repeatedly dealt with yoga and the
spiritual dangers it entails. References to yoga can be found even in
the international bibliography on sects, as well as in the extensive
reports of MIVILUDES (the French Interministerial Mission of
Vigilance and Combat against Sectarian Aberrations), which has filed
yoga under the category “Dangers to Health”.

We remind you that yoga is described as physical exercise, whereas in
reality it is one of the 6 schools of Hinduism. The way it is promoted
through the observance of the “International Day of Yoga” (under the
slogan “Yoga for Harmony and Peace”) is misleading and unconstitutional,
since proselytism is forbidden by the Constitution. Yoga is a religious
practice of eastern religions and for this reason being an Orthodox
Christian is totally incompatible with practising yoga or participating in any yoga celebration or festival, or in a yoga workshop.

The term “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj”, which means
“the union of the soul with the Oversoul, i.e. God”. Yoga is a non-Christian practice, which cannot be isolated from its religious background and which harbours spiritual, physical and mental dangers. The spiritual dangers are: a) the risk that yoga will function as a bridge through which unsuspecting Christians will be led to eastern religions and occultism, and b) the serious peril of exposing oneself to the occult, which has been emphasized both by gurus themselves and by scientific researchers.

Here is an indicative list of some of those registered dangers:

– “temporary or permanent loss of sanity”[1]

– “inappropriate and incoherent emotional outbursts, muscle twitching, spasms, hallucinations”[2]

– “terrifying visions”[3]

– “mental confusion”[4]

– “psychosis”[4]

– “epilepsy and other involuntary body movements”[4]

– “stress”[4]

– “depression”[4]

– “irregular breathing”[4]

– “immoral behaviour”[4]

– “musculoskeletal disorders”[5]

– “physical injuries”[6]

– “gastric problems”[6]

– “internal bleeding”[6]

– “temporary blindness”[6]

– “pseudo-psychosis”[6]

– “panic attacks”[6]

– “anxiety”[6]

– “homicidal urges”[6]

– “risk of vertebral artery dissection of the cervical spine”[7], which may induce a stroke

– “destruction of the nervous system”[8]

It should be further noted[9] that the American Yoga Association
itself discourages children, as well as pregnant women and nursing
mothers from practising yoga, stressing the fact that “it is extremely
dangerous for pregnant women to do Yoga because of the possibility of
air embolism.” Also, many yoga teachers, as well as the American Yoga
Association emphasize the physical dangers that yoga entails, especially
for children under the age of 16.[10]. Nevertheless, in the forthcoming
celebration of the “International Day of Yoga”, which is going to take
place in many Greek cities, too, we see the promotion of yoga workshops
for children, adolescents and pregnant women. This is not only dangerous; it is also unconstitutional,
considering that the Greek Constitution, which has precedence over UN
resolutions, states the following: “The State shall care for the health
of citizens and shall adopt special measures for the protection of

Meanwhile, as part of the mass promotion of yoga, a number of
“Laughter” events take place these days. These are more than mere
occasions of mirth and merriment; they are actually another form of yoga
–the so-called “Laughter Yoga”[12]– with all its repercussions.

Furthermore, we would like to inform all devout Christians, as well as every concerned citizen, that the upcoming “Colour Day Festival” is not simply a festival of colours, but a Hindu religious
festival, known as “Holi”. In the Greek website created for it we read
that it is a “renowned religious festival in India”, which “has been
reverently celebrated for thousands of years”, yet no one in Greece has
informed us about its true identity. This festival takes place in honour
of Krishna and during its course there is a ritualistic re-enactment of
the story of the female demon Holika[13].

As devout Christians, we are obliged not only to completely
refrain from all the above, but also to inform others and to protest in
an Orthodox manner
. In these times of devious, covert
proselytism and of the overthrow of eternal values, Christians are
called upon to be vigilant, to keep praying, to avoid conforming to the
pattern of this world and to fight with spiritual weapons. It is our
duty to do so, unless we wish to find ourselves without excuse on the
day of reckoning.




[1]. According to Guru Rajneesh

[2]. Singer Thaler Margaret, Cults in Our Midst -The Continuing Fight Against their Hidden Menace, John Wiley, 2003, ch. 6

[3]. According to Guru Muktananda


[5]. T. Matsushita, T. Oka, A large-scale survey of adverse events experienced in yoga classes, BioPsychoSocial Medicine 2015, 9:9 et al.


[7]. Caso V, Paciaroni M, Bogousslavsky J (2005). "Environmental factors and cervical artery dissection". Front Neurol Neurosci 20: 44–53.


[9]. See a relevant article:


[11]. Article 21, par. 3

[12]. Hasyayoga




From the Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Glyfada, Elliniko, Voula, Vouliagmeni, Vari (Varkiza)

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